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What is a Utah SWPPP?

A Utah SWPPP, or Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, is a written plan that is required for any construction site that is part of a Common Plan Development or will disturb more than one acre of land in Utah.


The SWPPP is required to be developed and implemented to prevent pollutants from leaving the construction site, entering waterways and polluting our rivers and lakes.


In Utah, the SWPPP can be developed by an owner or contractor but is usually developed by a qualified professional, such as an engineer or a certified professional in erosion and sediment control (CPESC). For any project over 5 acres in land disturbance area, a qualified professional is required to develop the SWPPP.


The SWPPP must include a description of the construction site, the potential pollutants that could be generated by the construction activities, and the best management practices (BMPs) with a map that will be used to prevent pollutants from leaving the site.


The SWPPP must be available at all times for inspection by city, state, or federal regulators. The SWPPP must also be updated as needed to reflect any changes to the construction site or the BMPs.


Here are some of the stormwater regulations in Utah:


  • In Utah, projects must be inspected at a minimum once every 14 days and within 24 hours of receiving 0.5 inches or more of precipitation. Depending on site conditions, more frequent inspections may be required.

  • When corrective actions are identified, Utah requires that those action items be completed either within 24 hours of the inspection or within 7 days, depending on the severity of the corrective actions needed.

  • Utah construction site stormwater inspections must be completed by a certified inspector, unless the project is for a single lot residential home under 1 acre of disturbance. Certifications include the EPA Stormwater Inspector Certification, the Utah Registered Stormwater Inspector certification, Certified Inspector of Sediment and Erosion Control (CISEC), Certified Erosion, Sediment and Stormwater Inspector (CESSWI), or Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC).


Whether or not you need a SWPPP in Utah depends on the size of your construction site and the type of work you are doing.


If your construction site is part of a Common Plan Development or will disturb more than one acre of land, you will need a SWPPP.


Navigating Utah's stormwater regulations can be tricky and Accena SWPPP Services is here to simplify the process.


We specialize in Utah SWPPP development, BMP inspections, and BMP installations and management to help ensure your project is in compliance with government regulations.

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